Which foods make beautiful skin?

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Foods for beautiful skin

 A beautiful skin is the key to change lifestyle. As trite as this sounds, modern studies show that exercise, adequate sleep and proper nutrition is good of healthy skin.
Below we will see what foods should be put into our diet to have beautiful skin, and also how they affect our body's largest organ.

Water. It is the main source of hydration of the body, particularly the skin. Helps eliminate toxins and makes the skin more elastic. For good hydration, is necessary for skin 8-10 glasses of water a day, in combination with a diet in fruits and vegetables is rich, due to their high water content.  

Green tea. The high content of polyphenols makes antioxidant and anti-aging. Protects skin from damage caused by free radicals and makes it look new and shiny.

Tomato. It has the highest level of lycopene, an antioxidant that helps prevent sunburn. Together with carotenoids containing slows cell damage from free radicals.

Fruits of yellow and orange. The color indicates high in vitamin A, which has two main functions of the skin: cell renewal and protection from acne scars. It is no coincidence that vitamin A is known as the vitamin of beauty.

Salmon. It contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that improves skin elasticity and protects against stretch marks.

Fatty fish. Fish such as sardines, herring and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory action, thereby making the skin more smooth and tight.

Nuts, especially walnuts and almonds. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein and vitamin E, smooth and moisturize the skin and removes free radicals. The result is a glowing and youthful skin.

Cheese cottage. Particularly beneficial for the skin, such an essential trace elements of selenium. Selenium is needed in our body in very small quantities and with vitamin E has antioxidant activity. It also has antitumor activity and reduces dandruff.

Avocado. Rich in biotin and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Hydrates the skin and makes it more "unbreakable." It also contains 27% of our daily needs for niacin, which has anti-inflammatory and soothes the skin. Even reduces freckles.

Pomegranate. When installed locally, this fruit is rich in antioxidants helps the skin to produce more collagen and accelerate the healing of wounds.

Sour cherries. It is a food with the highest content of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals.

Citrus. Rich source of vitamin C, which as a powerful antioxidant scavenging the free radicals and helps the body elimination. The result is youthful skin with less wrinkles.

Blueberry. The number 1 anti-aging food because of antioxidants and flavonoids.

Lean meat and poultry. They are the primary source of protein for the body, without burdening with "bad" fats. The protein, as the main building material of the body, stimulates the production of collagen, thus making the skin more elastic and helps heal wounds. Another ingredient contained in these foods and improving overall skin health is zinc, which promotes cell regeneration and renewal. It also improves the skin with acne.

Eggs. The first quality protein available, regenerates cells and protects them from damage caused by free radicals. Also contain biotin, which protects the skin from dehydration.

Mango. Rich in vitamin A, which at the cellular level maintaining good skin health.

Soy products. Recent research suggests that soy is effective to tighten the loose skin.

In contrast to all this, people follow diet high in saturated fat and simple carbohydrates may develop more wrinkles. Also alcohol and caffeine are diuretics and dehydrate the skin, leading to accelerate aging. However, the greatest enemy of the skin is smoking because it stimulates the production of free radicals, that is the reason why aging skin.

source: Internet
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