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If we follow 10 tips for kids healthy day can maintain their form and good health. It is just as easy with the bike as long as we learn to keep balance!
The most important thing was to learn to keep balance. It's need also for food we choose to eat for kids. When they learn to eat balanced, in terms of quantity and types of food, all the organs of our body running smoothly and our body effectively.
1. The food is fun. enjoy food!
Eating with family or friends, at home or at school is a great way to enjoy food. It's fun for kids to see what others choose to eat. They follow us so we should choose always healthy food
2. Breakfast is a very important meal.
Such as cars, buses and trains can not move without fuel, so our body needs energy to function. Especially after the night sleep, energy levels are low. So, whether they are preparing to go to school or moving around the weekend, start day with breakfast. The plentiful carbohydrates is key: try a toast or bread or cereal with milk, fruit or yogurt.
3. Eat different foods every day.
Daily needs more than 40 nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) for good health. And because there is no single food that contains them all, it is important that "balances" their daily choices. In fact, there are good and bad foods, so it is not necessary to deprive the foods they enjoy. The best way to ensure that they have a good balance is to eat a wide variety of foods each day.
4. What food is the most important? The basis of diet should be carbohydrates.
About half the calories in our diet should come from carbohydrates,foods such as cereals, rice, pasta, potatoes and bread. So, a good idea is to include at least one of them in their every meal. Try wholegrain bread, pasta and other cereals to give extra fiber. Let them tried to create their own bread. It is very fun and smells great!
5. Glue five! Eat fruits and vegetables at every meal and as tasty snacks!
Fruits and vegetables are the most important foods to get enough vitamins, minerals and fiber. We should all try to eat at least five servings of them every day. For example, with a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, an apple and a banana as snacks and two vegetables with meals.
6. The truth about fat. Excess fat is not good for health.
Eating a lot of the known fatty foods (like French fries, fried meats, sausages, pies and pastries) might not be so good for kids health. Measure needs and spreadable fats like butter and margarine. Although we need a certain amount of fat to obtain all the necessary nutrients, it is better for health to not eat large quantities of these foods and away from equilibrium. So if they eat a high-fat lunch, make sure to eat a low-fat dinner at home.
7. Attack on snacks! Eat often and chose snacks!
Even if a kid eat regular meals during the day, there will be times in between that he feel hungry, especially when he has intense physical activity.Snacks can fill this gap, but should not replace meals only be consumed as 'extra'. Many different snacks available. Can choose a yogurt, a handful of fresh or dried fruit, vegetables into sticks, such as carrot and celery, unsalted nuts or crackers rice, or perhaps a piece of fruit cake or some bread with cheese. Occasionally, he can eat potato chips and other packaged snacks, a chocolate, a piece of cake or biscuits. Whatever the snacks that he likes, remember that it is good to eat various kinds to maintain equilibrium.
8. Quench thirst! Drink plenty of fluids!
Water is important because half above a kid body weight is water. He should drink at least five glasses of fluid a day. Especially in hot weather or when he has intense physical activity, it is very important to drink plenty of fluids. Usually - but not always -his body on alert for it, to make him Thirst. The plain water is, of course, an excellent choice.
9. Do not neglect teeth! Brush teeth at least twice daily.
Brush their teeth at least twice daily. Too frequent consumption of foods with sugar or starch in the day plays a role in tooth decay. That should not be munching and drinking from dawn to dusk! The sugarless gum can help maintain teeth healthy. However, the best way to keep a nice smile is brushing teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Also, after brushing teeth at night, must not eat or drink anything except water!
10. Move! Being active / a daily basis!
As a bicycle may rust if not used for some time, so the muscles and bones of our body should move. Physical activity is essential for a healthy heart and strong bones. Try to have some physical activity every day. It may be simply going to walk to school and go up the stairs, though, games like skipping ropes and football breaks are good to workout the body. Swimming is also a very good sport to maintain kids health in good condition.
source : Internet
source : Internet
Wow! Amazing and fun ideas all ready to go. I can imagine how the kids would love those. Thanks for sharing. CPAP tips